Computing - Mobile Computing
Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Optical Disk Drive Industry, 1Q 2007
February 06, 2007 / Nancy Wang
10 Page, Statistics Report


Due to sluggish channel market demand and changes in the industry's structure, which resulted in the loss of orders from some clients, Taiwanese ODD (Optical Disk Drive) shipment volume, despite the advent of the peak season, slipped 28% year-on-year to approximately 41.8 million units in the second half of 2006. Owing to the shipment volume and price declines, second-half shipment value tumbled 37% year-on-year to about US$1.1 billion. Affected by the price slumps of models with higher shipment shares, such as DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)-ReW, DVD-ROM, and combo models, ASP (Average Selling Price) slipped further to US$27.1 and US$26.1 in the third and fourth quarters respectively.
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